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George Orwell

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Palminvest Immobilien La Palma Palminvest Immobilien La Palma

Transvulcania La Palma 2015: Interview with Anna Frost

La Palma 24 | 25.03.2016 | 0 | Diesen Artikel teilen

Transvulcania La Palma 2015: Interview with Anna Frost

Much more than a Sky-running Lady...


Training for the Transvulcania - after an injury in April Anna is unfortunately not fit again for the Ultra-challenge on 9th of May 2015: "hope to do the Vertical-Race on Thursday in Tazacorte - but I will be out there cheering everyone on at the Ultra"! Foto: Anna Frost

She comes from New-Zealand. She won the Transvulcania-Ultra-Maraton twice. And she´s back on the Canary Island of La Palma: Anna Frost - one of the best sky-running ladies in the world. But did you know that she does much more than climbing mountains in sensational speed? The La Palma 24-Journal spoke with Frosty about her activities besides trailrunning.

Hola Anna – first of all let us say that we are glad to see you on La Palma again. Are you fit for the Transvulcania 2015?Frosty: In April I had an injury that stopped me from running. But I trained three times a day in the gym and on my bike while I tried to figure out what the problem was. But now I had to make the decision not to race the Transvulcania Ultra - I hope to do the Vertical Race on Thursday. This is super hard for the Ultra is my favourite race that gives me so much pleasure. But in the end my body is not ready so I can´t force it. I will be out there cheering everyone on...
Fearless Frosty:

Fearless Frosty: "more than a book - it is a message to grirls to chase their dreams..."

Besides the Transvulcania you have a full calendar of running-events in 2015, and we saw something very special on your program in November 2015: You are going to guide the Bhutan Shangri La –Expedition Tour. Can you tell us something about this extraordinary event in the Himalaya?Frosty: This is a place I have always dreamed of going to. So this is the perfect combination. Travel and running with other people whom also dream of visiting this wonderful region. This is the link with all the information - click here.Trailrunning is a big part of your life. But you are also interested in helping girls all over the world. On your website you are inviting them with the slogan “shout it out girls” – what was your intention for this?Frosty: This is a place where women, girls and even guys can ask all the questions they want in a safe environment. Too many questions go unasked because people are ashamed. I have had to learn so many things the hard way, because there isn’t easy access to real life advise from real life women.
Frosty & Sisu-Girls:

Frosty & Sisu-Girls: "inspiring girls to challenge themselves..." Foto: Anna Frost

In view of encouraging girls you became an ambassadress of SisuGirls. Can you tell us a little more about this project and the new book “Fearless Frosty” which was edited in the frame of SisuGirls?Frosty: SisuGirls it´s a movement to encourage and inspire girls to challenge themselves through adventure and sport. The book is a way to promote that. But it is more than a book; it is a message to girls to chase their dreams no matter what steps in the way! More information? - click here!
Creation of Frosty:

Jewel-creation of Frosty: "beads and vision from all over the world". Foto: Anna Frost

Anna, besides this you are an artist working with jewels and nature materials. How do you develop your creations, and are they typically for New Zealand?Frosty: My jewels are a collection of beads and vision from all over the world when I travel to races. I have always created things and love taking the down time from training to share my inspiration - look here.It seems that you are very busy – how many time remains besides the trailrunning-training, the races and your family for this profession?
Besides trailrunning:

Besides trailrunning - Frosty surfing with the dog: "time for all the important things".

Frosty: I make time for all the important things... there are of course sacrifices but that is a choice we make. There is also lots of time to do other things when I no longer race professionally.How does your family treat with all your tasks? Did they accompany you to the races?Frosty: Yes sometimes my family is at the races – always in spirit and mind, but the Salomon team is also my family and they are always there.Last but not least one word to La Palma: Why do you always come back to the Isla Bonita and the Transvulcania?
Anna Frost-Design: really much more than a Skyrunning Lady. Foto: Frosty

Anna Frost-Design: really much more than a Skyrunning Lady. Foto: Frosty

Frosty: The island gives me a special energy. I love training there and being in the environment. The race is so diverse and challenging. I love it!Thanks, Frosty - we wish you all the best for your Transvulcania-Vertical-Run!"Much more information about Frosty on her new website, as well about her designer-works - click here.
Work-station of Frosty: far away down under in New-Zealand. Foto: Jordi Saragossa/Anna Frost

Work-station of Frosty: far away down under in New-Zealand. Foto: Jordi Saragossa/Anna Frost

Von La Palma 24

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